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Infant Incubator Standard Drafted by David Medical was Officially Released and Implemented


Approved by the Zhejiang Brand Building Federation, T/ZZB 0397-2018 "Infant Incubator" drafted by Ningbo David Medical Device Co., Ltd. was officially released, which will be implemented on August 31. This is also the first "Made in Zhejiang" standard issued by the medical device industry in our province.

The "Infant Incubator" standard was approved in December 2017. From May 2018, David Medical participated in drafting, soliciting opinions, expert review and submitting for approval, which lasted 7 months. In accordance with the "Made in Zhejiang" positioning of "international advanced, domestic first-class", "Infant Incubator" is more accurate than the international standard IEC60601-2-19 and the national standard GB11243-2008 in important performance indicators such as incubator temperature, temperature uniformity, and temperature overshoot.

The release of this standard has filled the gap in the "Made in Zhejiang" standard in the medical device industry of our province!

In the next step, we will carry out the certification of manufactured products in Zhejiang, further improve the market competitiveness and brand influence of enterprises, and promote the common development of the industry.

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